Hey! You have a fine blog. I have put your link om my blog list if you don't object. What do you think about our backlink. I was gald you to put my link http://leo-shadow.blogspot.com/ on your list. Thanks.
simply doing just a very little bit to help out those other, much more interesting peeps out there posting gay content on THEIR blogs. I have grown quite fond of them! Somehow they keep getting ganked despite their attempts to follow "da rulze". Wherever possible, the post title will link to the source of photos or I will just tell ya where I found it.
Thanks for keeping at it!
Anything I post will be but a dim reflection, inspired by what I have found. If I post something that belongs to you and you want it removed, email me and I will do so with my apologies.
Just a somewhat educated, 40 something gay redneck. I have some very conservative views as well as some that could get a fella shot.
Have been in seminary, married, and have two grown children.
ReplyDeleteYou have a fine blog.
I have put your link om my blog list if you don't object.
What do you think about our backlink.
I was gald you to put my link http://leo-shadow.blogspot.com/ on your list.
Not a problem, Leo. I check yours out almost daily!