Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What if a bunch of fags could talk to god?

I found this neat post at: http://www.breaktheillusion.com/

If you could ask g*d 1 question, what would it be. And there were tons of responses. A lot of them dealt with why there is so much pain and suffering. Is he even there and why s/he isn't more visible.

You could tell from some responses that there are some queers with strong belief in GOD. Mostly xtian. Some doubters.

My question is why is faith in an intangible higher power still so necessary to so many. Why belief? And what would the world really look like without it. After centuries without it, where it was taken for granted that it was an ignorant lifestyle from a backward time.

Of course, I have my own ideas as to why faith is important. What hinders humans from moving on. But that's for a later post.

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